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CropCare Trailer Boom Sprayers

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CropCare Trailer Boom Sprayers

200, 300, 400, 500, 750 and 1,000 Gallon Tanks

CropCare's Trailer Boom Sprayers offer large tank sizes to cover the larger acreage farms, as well as many options to enhance operator efficiency and effectiveness.

A number of spray boom options are available from 30 ft. manual X-fold booms to 60 ft. hydraulic folding booms. A 25 ft. single-sided hydraulic folding boom is also available. There are options for shock-mounted suspension systems and hydraulic high clearance lift kits (up to 84 in. on 45 & 60 ft. booms). available.

Choose from a three pump options: a Hypro diaphragm pump, an Ace hydraulic drive centrifugal pump or CropCare's Superdrive™ pumping system that uses cog-banded belts to up-speed the pump by 850%. The Superdrive™ system makes possible spray pressures in excess of 100 PSI and increases fuel savings when spraying at lower pressures.

There are many other options available including:

  • Manual or electric spray controls
  • Hydraulic splitter valves that allow operation of hydraulic-fold booms with a single set of remotes
  • Foam markers
  • Teejet guidance systems w/ wheel-mounted or GPS speed sensing
  • Teejet turret nozzle bodies
  • Chemical eduction systems and rinse tanks
  • Safety light kits